Envisioning a 21st century in which GPS has improved all aspects of everyday life, from communications to robot control, the authors created this book for the purpose of accelerating the understanding of GPS and encouraging new and innovative applications. The two volumes, one concentrating on fundamentals and the other on augmentations and applications, contain 42 chapters written by individuals or groups regarded as world-class authorities in their areas of GPS, thereby offering a variety of viewpoints. The set is intended for both students and practicing engineers.
Part I: GPS Fundamentals
- Introduction and Heritage of NAVSTAR, the Global Positioning System
- Overview of GPS Operation and Design
- GPS Signal Structure and Theoretical Performance
- GPS Navigation Data
- Satellite Constellation and Geometric Dilution of Precision
- GPS Satellite and Payload
- Fundamentals of Signal Tracking Theory
- GPS Receivers
- GPS Navigation Algorithms
- GPS Operational Control Segment
Part II: GPS Performance and Error Effects
- GPS Error Analysis
- Ionospheric Effects on GPS
- Tropospheric Effects on GPS
- Multipath Effects
- Foliage Attenuation for Land Mobile Users
- Ephemeras and Clock Navigation Message Accuracy
- Selective Availability
- Introduction to Relativistic Effects on the Global Positioning System
- Joint Program Office Test Results
- Interference Effects and Mitigation Techniques
Part III: Differential GPS and Integrity Monitoring
- Differential GPS
- Pseudolites
- Wide Area Differential GPS
- Wide Area Augmentation System
- Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
Part IV: Differential GPS and Integrity Monitoring
- Integration of GPS and Loran-C
- GPS and Inertial Integration
- Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Availability for GPS Augmented with Barometric Altimeter Aiding and Clock Coasting
- GPS and Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)
Part V: GPS Navigation Applications
- Land Vehicle Navigation and Tracking
- Marine Applications
- Applications of the GPS to Air Traffic Control
- GPS Applications to General Aviation
- Aircraft Automatic Approach and Landing Using GPS
- Precision Landing of Aircraft Using Integrity Beacons
- Spacecraft Attitude Control Using GPS Carrier Phase
Part VI: Special Applications
- GPS for Precise Time and Time Interval
- Surveying with the Global Positioning System
- Attitude Determination
- Geodesy
- Orbit Determination
- Test Range Instrumentation